Extra App Apps

French name Chinese 在中国的法文名字 1.0
Extra App
我们的应用程序让你选择一个漂亮的新名称,将新生儿和儿童以同样的方式的机会来检查你的名字在中国语言中的等价的机会。我们的计划是有超过80名使用男孩非常简单和女孩检查最好的一个新的游客....给他浪漫主义和贵族的法国名字符号Our application gives you the chance to choose a nice new nametoyour newborn childrens and in the same way the opportunity tocheckfor the equivalence of your name in chinese language . Ourprogramis very simple to use with more than 80 name for boys andgirlscheck for the best one to the new visitor ...GIVE HIM A FRENCHNAMESymbol of romantic and noblesNotre application vous donne la possibilité de choisir un bon nomàvos enfants nouveau-nés et de la même manière la possibilitédevérifier l'équivalence de votre nom dans la langue chinoise.Notreprogramme est très simple à utiliser avec plus de 80 nom pourlesgarçons et les filles vérifier pour le meilleur pour lenouveauvisiteur ... LUI DONNER UN NOM FRANÇAIS Symbole duromantisme etnoblesse .تطبيقنا يعطي لك الفرصة لاختيار اسم جديد جميل إلىالأولادحديثيالولادة وبالطريقة نفسها الفرصة للتحقق من معادلة اسمكباللغةالصينية. برنامجنا هو بسيط جدا للاستخدام مع أكثر من 80 اسماللبنينوالبنات تحقق من افضل واحد للزائر جديد ... منحه رمز الاسمالفرنسيللرومانسية والنبلاءOur application letsyouchoose a beautiful new name, newborns and children in the samewayas the opportunity to check your chances in the name of theChineselanguage equivalent. Our plan is to use more than 80 boysand girlsis very simple to check one of the best new visitors ....give hima romantic and aristocratic French name SymbolOur application gives you the chance to choose a nice new nametoyour newborn childrens and in the same way the opportunity tocheckfor the equivalence of your name in chinese language. Ourprogramis very simple to use with more than 80 name for boys andgirlscheck for the best one to the new visitor ... GIVE HIM AFRENCHNAME Symbol of romantic and noblesNotre application vous donne la possibilité de choisir un bon nomàvos enfants nouveau-nés et de la même manière la possibilitédevérifier l'équivalence de votre nom dans la langue chinoise.Notreprogramme est très simple à utiliser avec plus de 80 nom pourlesgarçons et les filles vérifier pour le meilleur pour lenouveauvisiteur ... LUI DONNER UN NOM FRANÇAIS Symbole duromantisme etnoblesse.تطبيقنا يعطي لك الفرصة لاختيار اسم جديد جميل إلىالأولادحديثيالولادة وبالطريقة نفسها الفرصة للتحقق من معادلة اسمكباللغةالصينية. برنامجنا هو بسيط جدا للاستخدام مع أكثر من 80 اسماللبنينوالبنات تحقق من افضل واحد للزائر جديد ... منحه رمز الاسمالفرنسيللرومانسية والنبلاء
تاريخ الدول العربية 1.0
Extra App
للمهتمين بالتاريخ العربي والمجتمعاتالعربيةالحديثة نقدم لكم البرنامج التالي والذي يحتوي علىتاريخ مصرتاريخ السودانتاريخ العراقتاريخ المغربتاريخ اليمنكتب مناهج اليمن Yemen Booksتاريخ سورياتاريخ تونستاريخ الصومالتاريخ الإمارات العربية المتحدةتاريخ الأردنتاريخ ليبياتاريخ فلسطينتاريخ لبنانتاريخ عمانتاريخ الكويتتاريخ موريتانياتاريخ قطرتاريخ البحرينتاريخ جيبوتيتاريخ جزر القمرملخص دروس التاريخ BAC - مواضيع جريئة تحتوي على أجزاء مهمة منالتاريخو تبرز أصول الشعوب العربية او المستعربة حديثا و تفصل فيالحيف التيتتعرض له هذه الشعوب منذ التاريخ القديم مرورا بالعصورالوسطى ثمالفترات الاستعمارية انتهاء بالتاريخ الحديث و المعاصر والثورات والحركات الاحتجاجية الأخيرة ... نتمنى ان ينال التطبيقاعجابكم شكرالتشجيعكم بتقييم الموضوع و اقتراحه لأصدقائكم ...For those interestedinthe history of modern Arab and Arab societies we offer youthefollowing program, which containshistory of Egypt Sudan's history History of Iraq The History of Morocco Yemen's history He wrote curricula Yemen Yemen Books Syria's history Tunisia's history Somali history History of the United Arab Emirates Jordan's history The history of Libya History of Palestine Lebanon's history Oman's history Kuwait's history Mauritania's history Qatar's history Bahrain's history History of Djibouti History of ComorosHistory BAC lessons summary - bold threads contain importantpartsof the history and highlights of the Arab peoples assetsorundercover newly and decide on the injustices that are exposedtohim these peoples since ancient history through the Middle Agesandcolonial periods end modern history and contemporaryandrevolutions and the recent protest movements ... We hope thatyoulike it receives the application Thank you for yourencouragementassess the subject and his proposal to friends...
Math Alarm Clock App 1.0
Extra App
Math Alarm Clock App is a new genius clockplusapp with perfect option that we can waking upwithoutindolencethis app make u possibility to have an puzzle alarm clock appandthe reasons to waking up revivalalso this free alarm clock plus make u possibility to controlethealarm sound and time and select days to show thisextreme alarm clock whith solving a clock math problems and turnoffalarm clock.Features of Math Alarm Clock App :- alarm klock- alarm clock puzzle app- best free alarm clock app- alarm clock widget- best alarm clock app for heavy- equation clock- gentle alarm- crazy alarm clocks- math alarm clockSo try to overcome the revival and try to waking up withmathproblems.
Call and Sms Blocker Phone 1.0
Extra App
Call And SMS blocker Phone is new free appandcall blocker app and sms blocker appgive you possibility to block number for call or sms or call andsmstogetherWith the SMS Blocker Free you will block all kinds of spammersandnever receive an unwanted text message inyour inbox again. All the junk SMS messages are stored insidetheapp for reference.Best app for girlsspecially for those who are annoying from unknown sms.Features:Add the contacts to be blocked enter it manuallycall and sms blockerDetects the incoming text messages and blocks it automaticallyShows the blocked number in the notification trayThe message will not be store to your inbox.This application blocks all the incoming SMS from anynumberstored in the black List. Install the SMS Blocker andenjoy.
وصلة انمي 1.1
Extra App
تطبيق وصلة اصدار انميلعبة وصلة اصدار انمي شبيهة بتطبيق وصلة المشهور للكلمات المتقاطعةالاان الاسئلة الذكية هنا أسئلة المتعلقة بالانميلمحبي مشاهدة الانمي المترجم أو من يسمون أوتاكولعبة وصلة بها مستويات مختلفة الصعوبةيمكنك الإجابة والبرهنة على انك أوتاكو حقيقي .يمكنك إستعمال وسائل المساعدة بنقاط التي كسبتها في حلالأجوبةالأنميات السابقة .ويمكنك الحصول على نقاط مجانية من نشر تطبيقأوتقييم ...تحميل اللعبة دليل على :-ان لديك الكثير من المعلومات حول الأنمي- انك شاهدت العديد من الأنمي- أنك أوتاكو حقيقيهل تملك الشجاعة للإجابة على جميع الأسئلة ؟نحن نرحب بإستفساراتكم وإقتراحاتكم ونتمنى أن لا تنسواالتقييملتشجيعنا 5 نجمات لكل اتاكو حقيقي 5 نجمات لصالح الفكرة فيالوطنالعربي. وشكراًApplication LinkissuinganimeGame link the issuance of anime-like application and a link tothefamous crossword puzzle, but the smart questions hereQuestionsrelating BalanmeFor fans of anime View the translator or the so-called otakuGame link the different difficulty levelsYou can answer and prove you're a real otaku.You can use aids points earned in the resolution of previousanswersAlonmyat .oamkink get free points from the publication oftheapplication or assessing ...Download the game guide at:You shall have a lot of information about anime- That you have seen many anime- You are a real otaku Do you have the courage to answer all the questions?We welcome your inquiry and suggestions and we hope that doesnotforget the evaluation of the five stars of encouragement foreachreal Ataco 5 starlets in favor of the idea in the Arab world.Thankyou
History of Ottoman empire 2
Extra App
L’Empire ottoman (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu enturc moderne, دَوْلَتِ عَلِيّهٔ عُثمَانِیّه Devlet-i Âliye-iOsmâniyye en endonyme turc ottoman) a duré de 1299 à 1923. Étatfondé par un clan turcique oghouze en Anatolie occidentale, ils’agrandit progressivement en Asie occidentale, Europe du Sud-Estet Afrique du Nord jusqu’à s’étendre, au faîte de sa puissance, surtoute l’Anatolie, le haut-plateau arménien, les Balkans, lepourtour de la mer Noire, la Syrie, la Palestine, la Mésopotamie,le pourtour de la péninsule arabique, l’Égypte et la majeure partiedu littoral du Maghreb. C’était alors un État musulman maispluriethnique où cohabitèrent dans un système confessionnel despeuples d’origines, langues et religions différentes, dont denombreux ressortissants adoptèrent la foi musulmane (ma'mīnīm ) et,par endroits la langue turque, pour ne plus subir le haraç(double-capitation) et l’enlèvement des garçons (pour devenirjanissaires), grossissant ainsi au fil des siècles les rangs dupeuple turc. L’empire diminua ensuite tout aussi progressivementjusqu’à se réduire, à l’issue de la première Guerre mondiale, à peude choses près au territoire de la Turquie actuelle, et fut abolile 1er novembre 1922 laissant place à la république turque.Histoire.Notre application vous offre le droit de découvrir les grandstitres historiques suivants :Les débutsFondationExpansion vers l'EuropeApogéeUn nouvel empireL’âge d'orUne puissance mondiale contestéeLe début du déclinLe temps des troublesUne petite renaissanceL'empire assiégéLa puissance des janissairesLe déclin et la chuteTentative de modernisationLa chuteVers la républiqueOsmanlı İmparatorluğu (Modern Türk Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, دولت عليهعثمانیه Devlet-i Aliye-i Osmanlı Türk endonyme Osmaniyye) BatıAnadolu'da bir Türk Oğuz klan tarafından kurulan 1923 Devlete1299'dan süren, yavaş yavaş büyür Batı Asya, Güneydoğu Avrupa veKuzey Afrika, Karadeniz etrafında, Anadolu, Ermeni platosunda,Balkanlar tamamı üzerinde gücünün zirvesindeyken, Suriye'yigenişletmek için Filistin, Mezopotamya, Arap Yarımadası, Mısırkenar ve Kuzey Afrika kıyıları çok. Bu kökenleri halkların,dillerin ve dinlerin bir mezhebe sistemde bir arada bir Müslümanancak multi-etnik devlet, çok sayıda vatandaş Türk dilini değil,daha Müslüman inancını (ma'mīnīm) kabul edilen ve yerlerde dahasonra dolayısıyla asırlar Türk halkının saflarını büyüteç, haraç(çift cizye) ve erkek kaçırılması (Yeniçerilerin olmak için) tabitutulurlar. imparatorluk daha sonra da kademeli olarak modernTürkiye'nin neredeyse tam topraklarına, Birinci Dünya Savaşısonunda, kadar azaltılmış reddedildi ve Türk Cumhuriyeti'ne yolverme 1 Kasım 1922'de kaldırıldı.Tarihi.Bizim uygulama size büyük tarihi şu başlıkları keşfetmek içinhakkını verir:başvakıfAvrupa'ya genişlemebaşucuYeni bir imparatorlukGolden AgeBir meydan dünya gücüçöküşünün başlangıcıdırTroubles ZamanKüçük bir rönesanskuşatılmış imparatorlukYeniçerilerin gücüdüşüş ve sonbaharmodernize etmek girişimindesonbaharCumhuriyeteEn Plusierus langues comme vous aimez l entendreEmpire ottoman,Osmanlı İmparatorluğu,奥斯曼帝国,الإمبراطوريةالعثمانية,osmanische Reich=Osmanien valtakunta,Imperoottomano
اذكار المسلم نسخة 2017 4.0
Extra App
تطبيق اذكار المسلم هو تطبيق للامةالعربيةالاسلامية التي يجمعها التاريخ المشترك لهاته الدول العربيةالاسلاميةيتضمن دعاء الصباح و ادكار و ادعية متنوعة بالاضافة الىتحصين المسلمو تحصين النفس والرقية الشرعية للتداوي .ويحتوي على:adkaradkar sabahadkar assabahأذكار الصباحأذكار الصباح والمساءحصن المسلمأذكار وأدعية للصباحأذكار وأدعية للمساءأذكار وأدعية النومأذكار النومأذكار المساءمايميز تطبيقنا هو احتواؤه على اذكار الصباح والمساء بدون انترنتوسهولة الاستخدام فقط باختيار احد الاقسام ادكار الصباح ادكارالنومادكار المساء او ادعية متنوعة حصن المسلم تنتقل مباشرة الىالمحتوىالمخصص لكل تصنيف اذكار المسلم يعمل تلقائيا هي ميزة فياغلبالتطبيقات لكن تطبيقنا قد اعتمد على ميزة اخرى في اظهاراذكاري.يمكنك استعمال كلمة adkar al muslim gratuit للبحث عن التطبيقاوباستعمال azkar خصيصا للمبثعثين فتكون لوحة الكتابة بلغة اجنبيةلهذاتم استعمال كل العبارات السابقة ونظيف كاخرها adkar matin soirوathkarApplication ofRemembranceMuslim is the application of the Islamic nation Arabcollected bythe shared history of these circumstances the IslamicArab countriesincludes a prayer morning and Edgard and Duasvariety as well asMuslim and fortify the soul and roquiaimmunization to cure.And it contains:adkaradkar sabahadkar assabahCitation for morningMorning and eveningFortress of the MuslimRemembrance and prayers for the morningRemembrance and prayers for the eveningRemembrance and prayers sleepRemembrance sleepEvening prayersCharacteristic of our application is contained on the Citationformorning and evening without the Internet and the ease of usejustby choosing a section Edgard morning Edgard sleep Edgardevening orDuas variety Fortress of the Muslim transmitted directlyto theassigned to each rating Remembrance content recognizedworksautomatically is an advantage in most applications, butourapplication has been adopted on the feature Other showinprayers.You can use the word adkar al muslim gratuit to search fortheapplication or using azkar specifically for Mbutosan Panel shallbewriting in a language foreign to this was the use of allpreviousand clean ferries Kaka adkar matin soir and athkar
Never lose your Tv Control ! 1.0.24
Extra App
Never lose your Tv Control! Remotecontroltelevision turns your phone into universal remote controlfordifferent types of devices using your Android smart phonethatcomes with IR Blaster. It is able to control the TV, mediaplayer,air conditioning, projector, control of the house, switch,camera,karaoke and audio amplifier.If you have lost your old infrared remote control, please trythisapplication, if you are lucky you are able to turn on youroldmachines.Remote control is one of the newest applications of thelatesttrend, but it comes with the cost of IR infrared remotecodesavailable for free. The remote control database contains IRcodesfor the famous brand of television brand such as Samsung,Sony, LG,Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba, JVC. Based on different sets ofIR codesof this remote will make the button necessary dynamicallyfor eachbrand and different model.You need to do some configuration to get the jobs of theTo use the remote, you must have your phone / tablet is on thesamewireless network as your TV and accept the message that appearsonyour TV. Because the application runs over the wireless network,itis not necessary to be close to the TV.You would need a smartphone equipped with an infrared port.Thistool is at the top of all current expectations:> Realistic remote controls: More than just buttons, theexactlook of your old remote control is displayed on yourphone> COUPLING YOUR REMOTE CONTROLS: Couple cable or satelliteboxeswith your phone> FLOATING BUBBLES: Easily choose your remote controlfrombubbles> TIMER FUNCTION: Set the timer for the unit to turn on ataspecified time> Remote order request: If your device is not supported, sendusa picture of your remote and we include them to the applicationassoon as possible Do not forget to note the application of the weekly newsawaityou At your hands
Télécommande de demain: Remote 1.0.0
Extra App
Ne perdez jamais le contrôle de votreTv!Télécommande de demain: Remote TV transforme votre téléphoneentélécommande universelle pour différents types de périphériquesàl'aide de votre téléphone intelligent Android qui vient avecIRBlaster. Il est capable de contrôler le téléviseurSi vous avez perdu votre ancienne télécommande infrarouge, s'ilvousplaît essayer cette application, si vous êtes chanceux, vousêtescapable de tourner sur vos vieilles machines.le contrôle à distance est l'une des applications les plusrécentesde la dernière tendance, mais il est livré avec le coût descodesinfrarouges à distance IR disponibles gratuitement. La basededonnées de commande à distance contient les codes IR pourlacélèbre marque de la marque de télévision tels que Samsung,Sony,LG, Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba, JVC. Sur la base desdifférentsensembles de codes IR de cette télécommande fera leboutonnécessaire dynamiquement pour chaque marque etmodèledifférent.Vous avez besoin de faire un peu de le simple configuration :choixde la télé et d'assurer que vous pouvez y accéderPour utiliser la télécommande, vous devez avoir votre téléphone/tablette est point barre tout est aussi simpleVous auriez besoin d'un smartphone équipé d'un port infrarouge.Cetoutil est au-dessus de toutes les attentes actuelles:> télécommandes réalistes: Plus que de simplesboutons,l'apparence exacte de votre ancienne télécommande estaffiché survotre téléphone> ACCOUPLER VOS COMMANDES À DISTANCE: câble de couple oudesboîtes de satellite avec votre téléphone> BULLES FLOTTANT: choisir facilement votre télécommandedebulles> FONCTION TIMER: Réglez la minuterie pour l'appareil en marcheàun moment précis> Demande de commande à distance: Si votre appareil est pasprisen charge, envoyez-nous une photo de votre télécommande et nouslesinclure à la demande le plus tôt possible Ne pas oublier de noter l'application desnouvelleshebdomadaires vous attendent à vos mainsNever lose control ofyourTV! Remote tomorrow: TV Remote turns your phone into auniversalremote for different types of devices using your Androidsmartphonethat comes with IR Blaster. It is able to control theTVIf you have lost your old infrared remote control, please trythisapplication, if you are lucky, you are able to run on youroldmachine.remote control is one of the latest applications of thelatesttrend, but it comes with the cost of IR infrared remotecodesavailable for free. The remote database contains the IR codesforthe famous brand of television brand such as Samsung, Sony,LG,Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba, JVC. Based on different IR codesetsthis remote control button will dynamically required for eachmakeand model different.You need to do some simple configuration: choice of TV andensurethat you can accessTo use the remote, you must have your phone / tablet bar is notallis as simpleYou would need an equipped with infrared smartphone. This toolisabove all the current needs:> Realistic remote controls: More than just buttons, theexactappearance of your old remote is displayed on your phone> CONNECTING YOUR REMOTE CONTROL: Torque cable or satelliteboxeswith your phone> FLOATING BUBBLES: easily choose your bubble remote> FUNCTION TIMER: Set the timer for the unit at aspecifictime> Remote Control Application: If your device is notsupported,send us a photo of your remote control and we includethem in theapplication ASAPDo not forget to note the application of new weekly awaityourhands
كمال الاجسام بالعالم العربي 3.0
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كمال الاجسام بالعالم العربي هو عبارة عنتطبيقعربي تجدون فيه برنامج تمارين كمال الاجسام متكامل لتمرين كلعضلاتالجسم ، مع ذكر كل تمرين و شرح طريقة القيام بذلك التمرين وكذلكإضهار العضلات المستهدفة و ذلك لمساعدتك على تضخيم و تكبيرالعضلات فيوقت قصير.تمارين كمال الاجسام المذكورة في التطبيق هي نفسها التمارين التييقومبها أبطال لعبة كمال اجسام مثل روني كولمان و آرنولد و جاي كتلرورامي السباعي وفيل هيت وباقي أبطال كمال الاجسام. فكل تمارينكمالالأجسام هذه تعمل على تقوية كل عضلات الجسم بشكل قوي ، بحتستلاحضفرقا كبيرا بعد أول 3 أشهر من إتباعك لبرنامج كمال الأجسامهذا.الناس يبحثون كذلك عن :تمارين لشد الصدرتمارين للصدركيفية شد الصدرتمارين شد البطن للرجالطرق تكبير الصدر فيديوتمارين لتكبير الارداف الصدرتمارين شد الصدر للرجالتدريب لشد الظهرطريقة شد الجسممنتدى كمال الاجسامكمال الأجسام برنامجبرنامج تمارين كمال الاجسامبناء الاجسامكمال اجسام نساءموقع تمارين كمال الاجسامكمال اجسام تمارينبالصور تمارين كمال الاجسامتدريبات كمال الاجسامكمال اجسام صورافضل تمارين كمال الاجسامكمال الاجسام للمبتدئينكمال الاجسامتمارين كمال الاجسام بالصوربرنامج كمال الاجسام للمبتدئينتمرينات الجيمتمارين كمال الاجسام للمبتدئين بالصور لجميع العضلاتصور كمال اجسامتمارين كمال الاجسام للمبتدئين بالصور كاملرياضة كمال الاجسامجدول تمارين حديدجدول تمارين كمال الاجسام بالصوراحدث تمارين كمال الاجسامتمارين كمال الاجسامتمرين كمال اجسام فيديوتمارين كمال الاجسام للمبتدئيناجسامتمارين حديدكمال الاجسام وبناء العضلاتجدول تمارين كمال الاجسام للمبتدئينعالم كمال الاجسامبرنامج كمال الاجسامتمارين بناء الاجسامصور اجسامكمال اجسام العربتمرين رياضة كمال الاجسامتمرينات كمال اجسامتمارين الظهر كمال اجسامبرنامج بناء الاجسامافضل جدول تمارين كمال الاجسامتدريب كمال اجسامتمارين الجيمبناء الجسمجدول تمارين كمال الاجساماجسام رياضيةتمارين كمال اجسام بالصورصور كمال الاجسام وبناء العضلاتبرنامج تدريب كمال اجسامتمارين كمال الاجسام بالصور كاملموقع كمال الاجسامgym egyptgym marocجم إيجيبتطريقة تصغير الصدررياضة شد الصدرافضل تمارين لشد الصدرافضل تمارين الصدرتمرين صدرتمارين تكبير الصدرتمارين عضلات الصدر رجالتدريب الصدر بالصورتمارين لتكبير الصدررياضه لشد الجسمطرق تكبير الصدر بالصورتمارين شد الصدرتمارين شد الجسمافضل طريقه لشد الصدرعضلات الصدرطريقة شد الصدرتمارين لتصغير الصدرافضل تمرين للصدرافضل تمرين للصدر بالصورتمارين تكبير الصدر بالصورطريقه لشد الصدرافضل رياضة لشد الجسمتمرين البنشتمارين لتنحيف الصدررياضة تكبير الصدرتاريخ الدول العربيةتجميل الصدرافضل تمارين الاكتافرفع الصدرشد الصدرتنحيف الصدرشد صدرتمارين رياضية لشد الجسمتمارين عضلات الصدررياضه لشد الصدرتمارين لشد الجسمتمارين لتكبير الارداف بالصوركيف طريقة شد الصدرلشد الصدر- وصفات طبيعية للوجه والشعر- خلطات، وصفات، صبغات للشعر- وصفة صحراوية لتبييض الجسم- وصفات مغربية، ماسك للشعر، قناع للبشرة،- بلسم للشفاه، علاج للحبوب، وصفة لعلاج حب الشباب- تغذية البشرة، جمال و نضارة الوجه، والليمون- وصفات لتفتيح البشرة طبيعية للبشرة- رجيم لتبييض البشرة wasafat tajmil- وصفات جدتي السحريةwasafat halawiyat maghribiyatabkh sahla tabkh maghribimaghribia tabkh al kik kikasehamusculational halawiyat al 7alawiyatjamal sahla ziyadat lwaznwasafat jamal skali bil a3chab cha3r tawilizalat cha3r in9as lwazn izalat lkarchizalat hab chabab li tabyid lwajh maghribiarijim sahrawiya mojarabaBodybuilding Arab worldisan Arabic application you will find the bodybuildingintegratedexercise program to train all the muscles of the body,with thestated each exercise and explain how to do this exercise,as wellas Adhar target and so the muscles to help amplify andenlargemuscle in a short time.Bodybuilding exercises mentioned in the application are thesameexercises carried out by the heroes of the game like abodybuilderRonnie Coleman and Arnold and Jay Cutler and Rami SibaiHit andPhil and the rest of the heroes of bodybuilding. 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American History:United states 1.0
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The application is about the USA HISTORYthebig parts before been the powerfull country in the world :Pre-Columbian eraNative development prior to European contactMajor culturesNative development in HawaiiColonial periodSpanish, Dutch, and French colonizationBritish colonization18th centuryPolitical integration and autonomyAmerican RevolutionEarly years of the republicConfederation and ConstitutionThe new Chief ExecutiveSlavery19th centuryJeffersonian Republican EraWar of 1812Era of Good FeelingsIndian removalSecond Party SystemSecond Great AwakeningAbolitionismWestward expansion and Manifest DestinyDivisions between North and SouthCivil WarEmancipationReconstruction EraThe West and the Gilded Age20th centuryProgressive EraImperialismWorld War IWomen's suffrageRoaring Twenties and the Great DepressionWorld War IIThe Cold War, counterculture, and civil rightsClimax of liberalismCivil Rights MovementThe Women's MovementThe Counterculture Revolution and Cold War DétenteClose of the 20th century21st century9/11 and the War on TerrorThe Great RecessionRecent eventsتاريخ الدول العربيةeducationhistory of americahistoire de l'ameriqueA lot of information to discover don't forget rating ourapplicationand recommand it to your friends
History of Canada 2
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The history of Canada covers the period fromthe arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago to the presentday. Prior to European colonization, the lands encompassingpresent-day Canada were inhabited for millennia by Aboriginalpeoples, with distinct trade networks, spiritual beliefs, andstyles of social organization. Some of these civilizations had longfaded by the time of the first European arrivals and have beendiscovered through archaeological investigations.Starting in the late 15th century, French and British expeditionsexplored, colonized, and fought over various places within NorthAmerica in what constitutes present day Canada. The colony of NewFrance was established in 1534 and was ceded to the United Kingdomin 1763 after the French defeat in the Seven Years' War. The nowBritish Province of Quebec was divided into Upper and Lower Canadain 1791 and reunified in 1841. In 1867, the Province of Canada wasjoined with two other British colonies of New Brunswick and NovaScotia through Confederation, forming a self-governing entity namedCanada. The new dominion expanded by incorporating other parts ofBritish North America, finishing with Newfoundland and Labrador in1949.Although responsible government had existed in Canada since 1848,Britain continued to set its foreign and defence policies after theend of the First World War. With the passing of the Statute ofWestminster in 1931, Canada became co-equal with the UnitedKingdom. After the Constitution was repatriated in 1982, the finalvestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament wereremoved. Canada currently consists of ten provinces and threeterritories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutionalmonarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.Over centuries, elements of Aboriginal, French, British and morerecent immigrant customs have combined to form a Canadian culturethat has also been strongly influenced by its linguistic,geographic and economic neighbour, the United States. Since theconclusion of the Second World War, Canadians have supportedmultilateralism abroad and socioeconomic developmentdomestically.Le Canada est une monarchie constitutionnelle d'environ 35 millionsd'habitants qui occupe la partie septentrionale du sous-continentnord-américain ; c'est le deuxième plus grand pays du monde ensuperficie, après la Russie. Habité depuis des millénaires par lesAmérindiens (peuples autochtones), le Canada a évolué à partir d'ungroupe de colonies européennes en une monarchie officiellementbilingue (anglais et français) et multiculturelle, Les Français,arrivés en 1534, ont commencé à coloniser les rives du St-Laurenten 1603, sur un territoire qu'ils ont nommés le Canada. Les Anglaisont envahi le Canada en 1759 et l'ont renommé Province of Québec.La victoire anglaise fut de courte durée, la défaite des Anglaiscontre la France et les États-Unis à Yorktown en 1781 fut le débutde la monarchie anglaise et du Canada dominé par les Anglais.Depuis 1982, le Canada a une constitution qui a été rejetée par leparlement du Québec, bien que la Province du Québec y soit soumisen vertu des lois constitutionelles régissant le Canada.يبدأ تاريخ كندا بداية من وصول الهنود القدامى منذ آلاف السنين إلىهناك وحتى وقتنا هذا. فقد سكن كندا مجموعة من سكانها الأصليين الذيننشأت بينهم شبكات تجارية ومعتقدات دينية وتسلسل هرمي اجتماعي. وخاضتبعض هذه الحضارات مواجهات طويلة الأمد عند وصول الأوروبيين الأوائلواكتشافها من خلالالتحقيقات الأثرية. أبرمت وسُنت عديد من المعاهدات والقوانين بينالمستوطنين الأوروبيين والسكان الأصليين.وعلى مدار قرون، اندمجت عادات السكان الأصليين والفرنسيينوالبريطانيين إضافة إلى عادات المهاجرين معًا لتصنع الثقافة الكندية.تأثرت الثقافة الكندية شديد التأثر بجارتها اللغوية والجغرافيةوالاقتصادية، الولايات المتحدة. ومنذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية،دعم الكنديون تعددية الأطراف في الخارج والتطور الاجتماعي الاقتصاديفي الداخل. .The history of Canadacovers the period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians Thousands ofyears ago to the present day. Prior to European colonization, thelands encompassing present-day Canada Were inhabited for millenniaby Aboriginal peoples, with distinct trade networks, spiritualbeliefs, and styles of social organization. Some of Thesecivilizations HAD long faded by the time of the first Europeanarrivals and-have-been Discovered through archaeologicalinvestigations.Starting in the late 15th century, French and British expeditionsExplored, colonized, and Fought over various places Within NorthAmerica in what deriving their present day Canada. The colony ofNew France Was Established in 1534 and Was ceded to the UnitedKingdom in 1763 partner after the French defeat in the Seven Years'War. The British Province of Quebec now Was divided into Upper andLower Canada in 1791 and reunified in 1841. In 1867, the Provinceof Canada joined with two --other Was British colonies of NewBrunswick and Nova Scotia through Confederation, forming aself-governing entity named Canada. The new Dominion expanded byIncorporating --other parts of British North America, finishingwith Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949.ALTHOUGH responsible government HAD Existed in Canada since 1848.Britain continued to set ict foreign and defense policies partnerafter the end of the First World War. With the passing of theStatute of Westminster in 1931, Canada est devenu co-equal with theUnited Kingdom. After the Constitution Was repatriated in 1982, thefinal vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament Wereremoved. Canada Currently Consists of ten provinces and threeterritories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutionalmonarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state icts.Over centuries, elements of Aboriginal, French, British and morerecent immigrant customs-have combined to form a Canadian CultureThat HAS aussi beens Strongly Influenced by ict linguistic,geographic and economic neighbor, the United States. Since theconclusions of the Second World War, Canadians abroad-havesupported multilateralism and socioeconomic developmentDomestically.Canada is a constitutional monarchy with about 35 millioninhabitants which occupies the northern part of the North Americansubcontinent; it is the second largest country in the world byarea, after Russia. Inhabited for thousands of years by NativeAmericans (Indigenous Peoples), Canada has evolved from a group ofEuropean colonies in a monarchy officially bilingual (English andFrench) and multicultural, the French arrived in 1534, began tocolonize shores of the St. Lawrence in 1603, on a territory whichthey called Canada. The English invaded Canada in 1759 and renamedthe Province of Quebec. The English victory was short-lived, thedefeat of the English against France and the United States atYorktown in 1781 was the beginning of the English monarchy andCanada dominated by the English. Since 1982, Canada has aconstitution that was rejected by the Parliament of Quebec,although Quebec will be submitted under on Constitutional lawsgoverning Canada.يبدأ تاريخ كندا بداية من وصول الهنود القدامى منذ آلاف السنين إلىهناك وحتى وقتنا هذا. فقد سكن كندا مجموعة من سكانها الأصليين الذيننشأت بينهم شبكات تجارية ومعتقدات دينية وتسلسل هرمي اجتماعي. وخاضتبعض هذه الحضارات مواجهات طويلة الأمد عند وصول الأوروبيين الأوائلواكتشافها من خلالالتحقيقات الأثرية. أبرمت وسنت عديد من المعاهدات والقوانين بينالمستوطنين الأوروبيين والسكان الأصليين.وعلى مدار قرون, اندمجت عادات السكان الأصليين والفرنسيينوالبريطانيين إضافة إلى عادات المهاجرين معا لتصنع الثقافة الكندية.تأثرت الثقافة الكندية شديد التأثر بجارتها اللغوية والجغرافيةوالاقتصادية, الولايات المتحدة. ومنذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية,دعم الكنديون تعددية الأطراف في الخارج والتطور الاجتماعي الاقتصاديفي الداخل. .
L'histoire de la France 2
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L'Histoire de la France est une histoireséculaire, c'est-à-dire qu'elle s'étale sur plusieurs siècles. Envoici quelques grands moments.Il est difficile de donner une origine à la France. Elle s'estconstituée petit à petit. Certains historiens font commencerl'histoire de la France aux Francs, qui donnèrent leur nom aupays.Durant la Préhistoire, les hominidés peuplèrent le continenteuropéen vers 200 000 avant notre ère. Les Homo Sapiens furentprésents dans l'Ouest de l'Europe vers 50 000 avant notre ère. EnFrance, les grottes de Lascaux montrent la présence des hommesdurant la Protohistoire.Des tribus celtes occupèrent une large partie de la France, de laBelgique et de l'Allemagne. Ce territoire fut désigné sous le nomde Gaule par les Romains. Les Celtes construisirent des premièresvilles, comme Lutetia (Paris) ou Burdigala (Bordeaux). Durant ladeuxième guerre punique, Hannibal Barca recruta des mercenairesceltes pour battre les Romains. Parce que des tribus des Gaulesavaient attaqué Rome, le Sud de la Gaule fut annexé à la Républiqueen -121. Jules César conquit les Gaules afin d'assurer la paix à lafrontière de l'Empire. Son ennemi, Vercingétorix fut battu àAlésia. Les Romains fondèrent des cités comme Lugdunum(Lyon).Un ligue de tribus de l’Est dénommée "les Francs" entrèrent dansles Gaules vers la fin du iiie siècle. Ils s'installèrent dans lenord et dans l'est. Les Celtes durent se déplacer vers laGrande-Bretagne. L'Aquitaine fut donnée aux Goths en 418 avantd'être prise par les Wisigoths. Les Goths aidèrent les Romains àcombattre les Huns, unis par Attila.Dans cette application nous allons découvrir :OrigineLa France médiévaleMérovingiensCarolingiensCapétiensLa Guerre de Cent AnsLa France sous la RenaissanceL'époque moderneL'époque contemporaineLa France au dix-neuvième siècleLa France au vingtième siècleLa France d'aujourd'huiL application vous offre le droit de lire l'histoire en plusieurslangue arabe,Francais , italien , anglais , allemand , russe...A nepas ratez Merci de noter l applicationThe history of France is a secular history, that is, it is spreadover several centuries. Here are some highlights.It is difficult to give an origin to France. It was built up littleby little. Some historians have begun the history of France to theFranks, who gave their name to the country.During Prehistory, poplar hominids on the European continent around200,000 BC. The Homo Sapiens were present in the west of Europeabout 50 000 before our era. In France, the caves of Lascaux showthe presence of men during Protohistory.Celtic tribes occupied a large part of France, Belgium, andGermany. This territory is designated under the name of Gaul by theRomans. The Celts built first towns, such as Lutetia (Paris) orBurdigala (Bordeaux). During the Second Punic War, Hannibal Barcarecruited Celtic mercenaries to beat the Romans. Because the tribesof the Gauls attacked Rome, the South of Gaul was annexed to theRepublic in -121. Julius Caesar conquered the Gauls to secure peaceat the frontier of the Empire. His enemy, Vercingetorix, wasdefeated at Alesia. The Romans founded the cities as Lugdunum(Lyon).A league of Eastern tribes named "the Franks" entered the Gaulstowards the end of the century. They settle in the north and in theeast. The Celts had to move to Great Britain. Aquitaine was givento the Goths in 418 before being awarded by the Visigoths. TheGoths helped the Romans fight the Huns, united by Attila.In this application we will discover:OriginMedieval FranceMerovingiansCarolingiansCapeThe hundred years warFrance under the RenaissanceThe modern ageThe contemporary eraFrance in the nineteenth centuryFrance in the Twentieth CenturyToday's FranceThe application offers you the right to read the story in severallanguages ​​Arabic, French, Italian, English, German, Russian ...Not to be missed Please note the applicationThe history of France isa secular history, that is to say, it is spread over severalcenturies. Here are some highlights.It is difficult to give an origin to France. It was formedgradually. Some historians begin the history of France to theFranks, who gave their name to the country.During prehistory, hominids populated the European continent to200,000 BC. Homo Sapiens were present in Western Europe to 50,000BCE. In France, the caves of Lascaux show the presence of menduring the Early History.Celtic tribes occupied a large part of France, Belgium and Germany.This territory was designated under the name of Gaul by the Romans.The Celts built the first cities, like Lutetia (Paris) or Burdigala(Bordeaux). During the Second Punic War, Hannibal Barca Celticrecruited mercenaries to fight the Romans. Because the tribes ofGaul had attacked Rome, southern Gaul was annexed to the Republicin -121. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul to ensure peace in theEmpire's border. His enemy was defeated Vercingetorix at Alesia.The Romans founded cities as Lugdunum (Lyon).An eastern tribes league called "Franks" entered Gaul in the latethird century. They settled in the north and east. The Celts had tomove to Britain. Aquitaine was given to the Goths in 418 beforebeing taken by the Visigoths. The Goths helped the Romans to fightthe Huns, united by Attila.In this application we will discover: Origin The medieval France Merovingian Carolingian Capétiens The hundred years warFrance under the Renaissance The modern era The contemporary era France in the nineteenth century France in the twentieth century France todayThe application gives you the right to read the story in severalArabic, French, Italian, English, German, Russian ... Do not missPlease note the appThe history of France is a secular history, That Is, it is spreadover Several centuries. Here are Some highlights.It is difficulty to give an origin to France. It was built uplittle by little. Some historians-have Begun the history of Franceto the Franks, Who Gave Their name to the country.During Prehistory, poplar hominids on the European continent around200,000 BC. The Homo Sapiens Were present in the west of Europeabout 50 000 before our era. In France, the caves of Lascaux showthe presence of men During Protohistory.Celtic tribes occupied a large part of France, Belgium, andGermany. This territory is designated under the name of Gaul by theRomans. The Celts built first towns, Such As Lutetia (Paris) goldBurdigala (Bordeaux). During the Second Punic War, Hannibal Barcaor recruited Celtic mercenaries to beat the Romans. Because thetribes of the Gauls attacked This is Rome, the South of Gaul WasAPPENDIXD to the Republic in -121. Julius Caesar Conquered theGauls to secure peace at the frontier of the Empire. His enemy,Vercingetorix, at Alesia Was Defeated. The Romans founded thecities as Lugdunum (Lyon).A league of Eastern tribes named "the Franks" ENTERED the GaulsReviews towards the end of the century. They settle in the northand in the east. The Celts Had to move to Great Britain. AquitaineWas Given To the Goths in 418 before Being Awarded by theVisigoths. The Goths Helped the Romans fight the Huns, united byAttila.In this implementation we will discover:OriginMedieval FranceMerovingiansCarolingiansmantleThe hundred years warFrance under the RenaissanceThe modern ageThe contemporary eraFrance in the nineteenth centuryFrance in the Twentieth CenturyToday's FranceThe app offers you the right to read the story in Several languages​​Arabic, French, Italian, English, German, Russian ... Not to bemissed Please note of the implementation
International Remote 1.0.25
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Welcome to: International Remote: Do not forget to rate our application!According to one study the problems of bad mood regularlyannoyingare caused by:• Lose your remote control,• TV remote control• remote control for air conditionerHow to useLaunch our international remote control for your Samsung SmartTVfor example and watch your network.If you intend to use infrared for older televisions, set yourmodelin the settings.Use your phone or tablet as a remote control.This software can be used as:Remote Control for LG TVRemote control for Samsung TVRemote control for Sony TVRemote control for Vizio TVRemote Control for Panasonic TVRemote control for Sharp TVCharacteristics:• On / off control.• AV / TV.• Mute / Un-mute.• Channel number buttons.• Index of channels and lists.• Volume control.• Volume reduction control.• Channel control.• Channel descent control.• Menu button with up / down and left / right controls.• Red / Green / Blue / Yellow (multifunction buttons).Remote control, easily convert your Android phone or tablet toauniversal remote control for your TV. It is simple and easytoconfigure and use, the operating mode is exactly the same asthenormal remote control of the TV.The difference between "international remote" and othersimilarapplications on GDo not forget to note the application of the weekly news awaityouAt your hands
تاريخ مصر القديمة بعدة لغات 2
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مصر القديمة هي حضارة قديمة في الشمال الشرقيلأفريقيا. تركزت حضارة القدماء المصريين على ضفاف نهر النيل في مايعرف الآن بجمهورية مصر العربية. بدأت الحضارة المصرية في حوالي العام3150 ق.م، عندما وحد الملك مينا مصر العليا والسفلى، وتطورت بعد ذلكعلى مدى الثلاث ألفيات اللاحقة. ضمت تاريخياً سلسلة من الممالكالمستقرة سياسياً، تخللتها فترات عدم استقرار نسبي تسمى الفتراتالمتوسطة. بلغت مصر القديمة ذروة حضارتها في عصر الدولة الحديثة، وبعدذلك دخلت البلاد في فترة انحدار بطئ. هوجمت مصر في تلك الفترة من قبلالعديد من القوى الأجنبية، وانتهى حكم الفراعنة رسمياً حين غزتالإمبراطورية الرومانية مصر وجعلتها إحدى مقاطعاتها.في هذا النطبيق ستكتشفون الكثير عن الحضارة القديمة تاريخهامواردهاحكوتها و اقتصادها لغتها و ثقافتهاAncient Egypt is anancient civilization in the north-east of Africa. The ancientEgyptians centered civilization on the banks of the Nile River inwhat is now known as the Arab Republic of Egypt. Egyptiancivilization began around the year 3150 BC, when King Menes unitedUpper and Lower Egypt, and then evolved over the three subsequentmillennia. Historically it included a series of kingdomspolitically unstable, punctuated by periods of relative stabilityare called intermediate periods. Ancient Egypt reached the peak ofits civilization in the era of the modern state, and later enteredthe country in a period of slow decline. Egypt was attacked in thatperiod by many foreign powers, and ended the rule of the Pharaohswhile officially invaded the Romanian Empire Egypt and made it oneof its provinces.In this Alntbaiq you will discover a lot about the ancientcivilization dating Mwardhagutea its economy and its language andculture
رجيم فعال في اقل من 11 يوم 3.0
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يحتوى التطبيق على أنواع الرجيم المتعددةفيحتوىعلى الكثير من الوصفات للتخسيس السريع للوصول للوزن المثالى وكلهاعبارة عن رجيمات فعالة في اقل من 11 يوميساعد تطبيق رجيم الذين يعانون من الزيادة البسيطة فى الوزن أوالذينيعانون من السمنة المفرطة على ايجاد الرجيم المناسب لهم للرجوعالىوزنهم المثال و الجصول على قوام ممشوقالتطبيق للرجال و النساء فمصابنا واحد عندما يتعلق الامربالسمنةيحتوى تطبيق رجيم على العديد من الوصفات كالمشروبات الحارقة للدهونوالتى تأتى بنتائج سريعة و فعالةيوجد بتطبيق رجيم وصفات رجيم صحية و متكاملة للحفاظ على صحتك الىجانبالوصول للوزن المثال و من بينها دايت السوائل و دايت الأعشابوغيرهااذا كنتى حامل و تريدين وصفات رجيم مناسبة لا تضر بصحتك أو بصحةجنينكفستجدين أكثر من خمسين وصفة رجيم للحوامل بالتطبيقيحتوى تطبيق رجيم ايضا على الأعشاب التى تساعد على انقاص الوزنبسرعةبدون مجهودمنصة التطبيق فريدة من نوعها في العالم العربي الاسلاميالمواد المستعماة في بعض الريجيمات متوفرة في كل الدول كمصرالمغربالامارات المتحدة السعودية قطر الجزائر تونس ...يحتوى تطبيق وصفات رجيم على وصفات للتخلص من الكرش و الأرداف والحصولعلى بطن مشدوديحتوى بتطبيق رجيم على العديد من النصائح لتتجنبى الزيادة فى الوزنوتحافظى على رشاقتكيحتوى ايضا تطبيق رجيم على وصفات الأكل المفضلة لدى الجميع وكيفيةعملها لتصبح مناسبة للرجيملاتنسو تقييم التطبيق ب 5 نجومThe applicationcontainsmultiple types of dieting contains a lot of recipes forquickweight loss to reach the ideal weight and all of a Rjemateffectivein less than 11 daysApplication diet helps those who suffer from a modest increaseinweight or who are obese to find the right diet for them toreturnto their weight example and make perfect gifts.Many nationstrengthsvelteApplication for men and women Vmassabna one when it comestoobesityContaining Diet applied to many recipes Kalmhrobat the hot fatandwhich comes fast and effective results of theThere applying diet recipes healthy diet and integrated tomaintainyour health as well as access to the weight of exampleandincluding Diet Diet liquids and herbs and otherIf Knin holder and want recipes suitable diet does not harmyourhealth or the health of your baby Vstagdin more thanfiftyprescription diet for pregnant applicationDiet also contains the application of the herbs that help youloseweight quickly without effortThe application platform is unique in the Arab-Muslim worldAlmstamah materials in some Rijemat available in all countriessuchas Egypt, Morocco United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Qatar,Algeria,Tunisia ...Contains application Recipes Diet recipes to get rid of therumenand buttocks, and get a belly tautContaining the application of diet on several tips to avoidtakingthe increase in weight and you keep you trimDiet also has applied to favorite recipes eating with everyoneandhow they work to become suitable for DietAtnso application for 5-star Rating
History of USA 2
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The date of the start of the history of theUnited States is a subject of debate among historians. Oldertextbooks start with the arrival of Christopher Columbus on October12, 1492 and emphasize the European background, or they startaround 1600 and emphasize the American frontier. In recent decadesAmerican schools and universities typically have shifted back intime to include more on the colonial period and much more on theprehistory of the Native peoples... This is howa the history ofAmerica begins to give to the world the most powerfull stats thatwe know today in this cover you can decover the hall history aboutthis mysterious country this application contain:Pre-Columbian EraNative development prior to European contactMajor culturesNative development in HawaiiColonial periodSpanish, Dutch, and French colonizationBritish colonization18th centuryPolitical integration and autonomyAmerican RevolutionEarly years of the republicConfederation and ConstitutionThe new Chief ExecutiveSlavery19th centuryJeffersonian Republican EraWar of 1812Era of Good FeelingsIndian removalSecond Party SystemSecond Great AwakeningAbolitionismWestward expansion and Manifest DestinyDivisions between North and SouthCivil WarEmancipationReconstruction EraThe West and the Gilded Age20th centuryProgressive EraImperialismWorld War IWomen's suffrageRoaring Twenties and the Great DepressionWorld War IIThe Cold War, counterculture, and civil rightsClimax of liberalismCivil Rights MovementThe Women's MovementThe Counterculture Revolution and Cold War DétenteClose of the 20th century21st century9/11 and the War on TerrorThe Great RecessionRecent eventsLa date du début de l'histoire des États-Unis est un sujet de débatparmi les historiens. Les manuels plus anciens commencent avecl'arrivée de Christophe Colomb le 12 octobre 1492 et mettentl'accent sur le contexte européen, ou ils commencent vers 1600 etsoulignent la frontière américaine. Au cours des dernièresdécennies, les écoles et universités américaines ont généralementreculé dans le temps pour inclure davantage sur la périodecoloniale et beaucoup plus sur la préhistoire des peuplesautochtones ... C'est ainsi que l'histoire de l'Amérique commence àdonner au monde les stats les plus puissants Que nous connaissonsaujourd'hui dans cette couverture, vous pouvez découvrir l'histoirede la salle sur ce pays mystérieux que cette applicationcontient:Époque précolombienneDéveloppement natif avant le contact européenGrandes culturesDéveloppement natif à HawaiiPériode colonialeColonisation espagnole, néerlandaise et françaiseLa colonisation britannique18ème siècleIntégration politique et autonomiela révolution américainePremières années de la républiqueConfédération et ConstitutionLe nouveau directeur généralEsclavage19ème siècleÉpoque républicaine de JeffersonianGuerre de 1812L'ère des bons sentimentsEnlèvement des IndiensSystème de deuxième partieDeuxième grand réveilAbolitionnismeExpansion vers l'Ouest et Manifest DestinyDivisions entre le Nord et le SudGuerre civileÉmancipationÉpoque de la reconstructionL'Ouest et l'âge doré20ième siècleÉpoque progressiveImpérialismePremière Guerre mondialeLe suffrage des femmesAnnées folles et la Grande DépressionLa Seconde Guerre mondialeLa guerre froide, la contre-culture et les droits civiquesClimax du libéralismeMouvement des droits civiquesLe mouvement des femmesLa révolution de la contre-culture et la guerre froideDétenteFermeture du 20ème siècle21e siècle9/11 et la guerre contre le terrorismeLa grande récessionÉvénements récentsThis application is in different languages :Deutsh italiens Arabicspanish chinese and more Lets discover and don't forget torateThe dates of the start ofthe history of the United States is a subject of debate Amonghistorians. Older textbooks start with the arrival of ChristopherColumbus on October 12, 1492 and EMPHASIZE the European background,gold They start around 1600 and EMPHASIZE the American frontier. Inrecent Decades American schools and universitiesTypically-have-shifted back in time to include more on the colonialperiod and much more on the prehistory of the Native peoples ...This is howa the history of America begins to give to the world TheMost powerfull stats That we know today in this cover you canDecover the hall history about this mysterious country contenirthis app:Pre-Columbian EraNative development prior to European ContactMajor cropsNative development in Hawaiicolonial periodSpanish, Dutch, and French colonizationBritish colonization18th centuryPolitical integration and autonomyAmerican RevolutionEarly years of the republicConfederation and ConstitutionThe new Chief ExecutiveSlavery19th centuryJeffersonian Republican EraWar of 1812Era of Good FeelingsIndian removalSecond Party SystemSecond Great AwakeningabolitionismWestward expansion and Manifest Destinyentre North and South Divisionscivil WarEmancipationreconstruction EraThe West and the Gilded Age20th centuryprogressive EraImperialismWorld War IWomen's suffrageRoaring Twenties and the Great DepressionWorld War IIThe Cold War, counterculture, and civil rightsClimax of liberalismCivil Rights MovementThe Women's MovementThe Counterculture Revolution and Cold War DétenteClose of the 20th century21st century9/11 and the War on TerrorThe Great RecessionRecent eventsThe date of the early history of the United States is a subject ofdebate among historians. Older textbooks begin with the arrival ofChristopher Columbus October 12, 1492 and focus on the Europeancontext, or they start to 1600 and stress the US border. In recentdecades, schools and American universities have generally declinedover time to include more of the colonial period and much more onthe prehistory of indigenous peoples ... This is how the history ofAmerica begins give the world the most powerful stats what we havetoday in this coverage, you can discover the history of the room onthis mysterious country that this application contains:Columbian timesnative development before European contactBig culturesnative development in Hawaiicolonial periodSpanish colonization, Dutch and FrenchBritish colonization18th centurypolitical integration and autonomythe American RevolutionEarly years of the republicConfederation and ConstitutionThe new CEOSlavery19th centuryJeffersonian Republican eraWar of 1812The era of good feelingsRemoval of IndiansSystem PartSecond Great AwakeningAbolitionismWestward expansion and Manifest DestinyDivisions between North and SouthCivil warEmancipationTime reconstructionThe West and the golden age20th centuryprogressive eraImperialismFirst World WarWomen's suffrageRoaring Twenties and the Great DepressionThe Second World WarThe Cold War, the against-culture and civil rightsClimax of liberalismCivil rights movementThe women's movementThe revolution against culture-and the Cold War DétenteClosing of the 20th century21st century9/11 and the war against terrorismThe Great RecessionRecent DevelopmentsThis implementation is in different languages: Arabic ItalianDeutsh spanish chinese and more Lets discover and do not forget torate
Recette Facile 2017 2
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Découvrez notre application android "RecetteFacile 2017 " classée dans le TOP des applicationsgratuites.Nous vous représentons recettes de cuisine gratuite super avecuneinfinie de recettes de cuisine actualisées quotidiennementpourvous offrir des nouvelles idées pour cuisiner pour vous, pourvotrefamilles et amis.Vous n'avez pas le temps pour chercher une par une des recettes?alors télécharger notre application pour avoir embarrasduchoixSi vous cherchez des recettes de cuisines facile c'estl'applicationidéale pour vous.Notre application vous offres des recettes de cuisine gratuitestrèspopulaires.Avec cette application profitez vous de centaines de recettesdecuisine faciles et naturelles- Recettes internationales.- Cuisine marocaines- Cuisine française- Cuisine africaine- Recettes lasagne- Recettes moules- Recettes halloween- Recettes quiche- Recettes poulet- Recettes saumon- Recettes lapin- Recettes pain- Recettes tajine- Liste de recettes de cuisine az- Cuisine par catégorie- Des recettes rapides et faciles à préparer pour desdélicieuxrepas.- Des couleurs vifs et symboliques- Téléchargez cette application est goûtez au plaisir delacuisine.- Cuisine marocaines 2017- Plats pour le ramadan-Chebakia aux amendes-blanquette de veau-plavlova...Fonctionnalités principales- Plusieurs thème- Une page d’accueil pleine de bonnes idées cuisine.- Plusieurs recettes de cuisine gratuitement sur votremobile.- Les dernières recettes publiées- Un moteur de recherche optimisé avec une recherche via le nomd’unplat ou d’un ingrédient.- Enregistrez vos recettes favorites etconsultez-lesfacilement.- Partagez à vos amis vos recettes favorites en seulquelquesclics.Pour les applications recipes y'en a qu'une qui rassemble le toutetc'est celle là avec :- Recipes marocaines- Recipes française- Recipes africaine- Recipes quiche- Recipes poulet- Recipes saumon- Recipes lapin- Recipes pain- Recipes halloween- Recipes lasagne- Recipes moules- Recipes tajineRetrouvez les recettes qui vous correspondent le mieux :classiques,originales, recette de gateau, fondant recipe,économiques …L’application Recette facile 2017 est le début de toutesvosrecettes cuisines futurs chefs !!!Pour être au quotidien, tout près de vous. 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L’application est si belle que vous aurez enviedelécher votre écran.Bien sûr, vous pourrez rechercher tout ce que vous voulez(paringrédient, par recette, par popularité), filtrer tout ce quevousvoulez, commenter et partager, vous laisser inspirer(beaucoupbeaucoup).- N'oubliez pas de noter cette application si vous l'aimez avec5?.Discover our androidapp"Easy Recipe 2017" ranked in the top free apps.We represent you great recipes with infinite free kitchencookingrecipes updated daily to give you new ideas to cook for you,foryour families and friends.You do not have time to seek a revenue? then downloadourapplication to have plenty of choiceIf you are looking for easy cooking recipes is the perfect appforyou.Our app offers you free recipes popular.With this application you enjoy hundreds of recipes easyandnatural- International Recipes.- Moroccan Cuisine- French cuisine- African Cuisine- Lasagne recipes- Mussels Recipes- Halloween Recipes- Quiche Recipes- Chicken Recipes- Salmon Recipes- Rabbit Recipes- Bread Recipes- Tagine Recipes- Recipes az list- Kitchen by category- Quick and easy recipes to prepare delicious meals.- A vivid and symbolic colors- Download this application is taste the cooking pleasure.- Moroccan Cuisine 2017- Food for Ramadan-Chebakia Fines-veal stew-plavlova ...key features- Several theme- A full home page of good ideas kitchen.- Several recipes for free on your mobile.- The latest recipes published- A search engine optimized search using the name of a dishoringredient.- Save your favorite recipes and refer to them easily.- Share your friends your favorite recipes in only afewclicks.For recipes y'en applications that brings together the wholeandthis is the one with:- Moroccan Recipes- French Recipes- African Recipes- Recipes quiche- Recipes chicken- Recipes Salmon- Rabbit Recipes- Bread Recipes- Recipes halloween- Lasagne Recipes- Recipes mussels- Recipes TagineFind recipes that suit you best: classic, original, cakerecipe,fondant recipe, economic ...The application is easy recipe 2017 the beginning of allyourrecipes future leaders kitchens !!!To be daily, close to you. The application gives you easyrecipesdaily recipes, inspirations, ideas. The application is easyrecipebeautiful (it must be said), large photos, well-written text(donot sparing). The application is so beautiful that you'll wanttolick your screen.Of course, you can search all you want (by ingredient,recipe,popularity), filter whatever you want, comment and share,you letinspiration (much much).- Do not forget to rate this application if you like itwith5?.
Fréquences chaines ASTRA 2017 1.0
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L'application " Fréquences des ChaînesAstra2017" vous donne des informations détaillées sur les ancienset lesmises à jour des fréquences en 2016 pour toutes les chaînesTV etRadio sur l'orbite ASTRA.Les caractéristiques de l'application:• Facile à utiliser avec une interface simple pour les chaines TVetRadio.• Informations détaillées pour chaque chaîne (Fréquence-Polarisation - SR -FEC -Modulation -Système - Status de Canal(SDou HD/cryptés ou Clear).)• Vous pouvez saisir le nom de la chaîne que voussouhaitezrechercher les informations détaillées.• Vous pouvez saisir la fréquence que vous souhaitez rechercheretd'énumérer toutes les chaînes de télévision avec lamêmefréquence.•Les Chaînes sont organisés par fréquence• Avec Plus de 900 chaîne• Cette application fonctionne sans connexion Internet maisvautmieux rester connecter pour la précision .• Vous pouvez rechercher sur la liste des chaînes TV et Radioavecdes informations détaillées sur chaque chaîne• Vous pouvez rechercher sur la liste des fréquencesToutes les fréquences appartient aux satellites suivants sur lamêmeorbite 19.2° Est: Astra 1KR/ Astra 1L/ Astra 1M/Astra1N.Langues de l'App: Anglais, arabe, français, italien,espagnol,Allemand et Turc.Merci de bien noter l application .The "AstraChannelsFrequencies 2017" gives detailed information on the old andtheupdated frequencies in 2016 for all TV and Radio channels onASTRAorbit.The features of the app:• Easy to use with a simple interface for TV andRadiochannels.• Detailed information for each channel (frequency - Polarization-SR -FEC -Modulation -System - Channel Status (SD or HD /encryptedor Clear).)• You can enter the name of the channel you want to searchfordetailed information.• You can enter the frequency you want to search and list all theTVchannels with the same frequency.• The Channels are organized by frequency• With over 900 chain• This application requires no Internet connection but betterstayconnected for accuracy.• You can search the list of TV and Radio channels withdetailedinformation on each chain• You can search the list of frequenciesAll frequencies in the following satellites in the same orbitat19.2 ° East: Astra 1KR / Astra 1L / Astra 1M / Astra 1N.Languages ​​App: English, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish,Germanand Turkish.Thank you note to the application.
History of germany 1.5
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Before 1871, as a nation-state, as in thesenseof France, Germany there existed a Germanic world endowedwith acertain coherence varying according to the epochs,linguistically,culturally, and sometimes political. Thegeographical extension ofthis Germanic world did not correspondexactly with that ofpresent-day Germany and has varied over thecourse of history. Thehistory of Germany is complex and variesaccording to thegeographical and historical limits in which oneconsiders Territoryand ethnogenesis of the German people.Avant 1871 , En tant qu'État-nation, comme dans le sens delaFrance, l'Allemagne il existait un monde germanique dotéd'unecertaine cohérence variable selon les époques, sur lesplanslinguistique, culturel, et parfois politique.L'extensiongéographique de ce monde germanique ne correspondait pasexactementavec celle de l'Allemagne actuelle et a varié au coursdel'histoire.L'histoire de l'Allemagne est complexe et varieselonles limites géographiques et historiques dans lesquellesonconsidère le territoire et l'ethnogenèse du peupleallemand.قبل عام 1871، كأمة دولة، كما هو الحال في اتجاه فرنسا، ألمانيا...كان هناك عالم الجرمانية مع بعض متغير التناسق تبعا للعصر،لغوياوثقافيا، وأحيانا السياسة. فإن امتداد جغرافي في العالم الجرمانيلاتتطابق تماما مع ذلك من ألمانيا الحالية، وتباينت علىمرالتاريخ.تاريخ ألمانيا معقد ويختلف مع الحدود الجغرافية والتاريخية ضمنالتينراها الإقليم والسلالات البشرية للشعب الألماني.До 1871 года, как национальное государство, как и внаправленииФранции, Германии ... был германское мир с некоторойпеременнойконсистенции в зависимости от эпохи, лингвистически,культурно, аиногда политика. Географическое расширение германскогомира несоответствует точно, что в современной Германии иварьировалась напротяжении всей истории.История Германии сложна и различается в зависимостиотгеографических и исторических границах, в которых мырассматриваемтерриторию и этногенез немецкого народа.1871年之前,作为一个民族国家,如法国,德国的方向......有一个日耳曼世界因时代的一些一致性的变量,语言,文化,有时策略。日耳曼世界的地理范围并没有与现今的德国完全一致,并在整个历史已经改变。德国的历史是复杂的,并在其中我们考虑到领土和德国人民的ethnogenesis地理和历史局限性而变化。
رجيم الماء فعال من اليوم 7 1.1.1
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إذا كنت ممن يعانون من مشكلة الوزن الزائدنتيجةلعادات مجتمعاتنا الغذائية وبحثت عن الحل لإنقاص الوزن فعلىالأرجحأنك قد سمعت رجيم الماء، هذا الريجيم معروف عالميا وفعال جداومجربيستمر 7 أيام فقط و بداية نتائجه ابتداءا من اليوم الثالث 3...من مميزات التطبيق:- النتائج المرجوة- بعض التعليمات- حاسبة وزن تعرف من خلالها هل لديك زائد- شرح مفصل لرجيم الماء مع الطريقة الكاملةالتطبيق تضمن وصفات رجيم طبيعية عبارة عن اكل صحي بالاظافة الىبرنامجرجيم الماء المعروفالتطبيق يحتوي ايضا على وصفات للتنحيف السريع و انقاص الوزن منالاسبوعالاولتصنيف التطبيق و الاول من نوعه :رجيم تخفيف الوزنريجيمات تخفيف دهون الوزنرجيم قاسي لكنه سريعريجيم ماءكثير منا يحتاج إلى إتباع نظام غذائي لانقاص الوزن عدة كيلوجراماتخلال فترة قصير وذلك لحضور مناسبة ما فرح أو عيد ميلاد .. إلخ،فإذاكنتِ بانتظار أحدى المناسبات وترغبين في انقاص وزنك يمكنكِالاعتمادعلى الرجيم المائي والذي سيساعدكك كثيرا للوصول لماتريدينيحتوى التطبيق على تفاصيل كثيرة عن رجيم الماء و عن أهمية الماءفىحياتنا اليومية كما يحتوى التطبيق أيضا على أسباب فشل الرجيم وبعضمعتقدات الناس الخاطئة عن الرجيماشتهر رجيم الماء كثيرا فى الاونة الاخيرة فيتحدث الكثير عننتائجهالفعالة فى انقاص الوزن بسرعة مذهلة و خسارة قدر كبيرمنالكيلوجراماتكامكانية خسارة 5 كيلو من الوزن فى 5 أيام او فى اسبوع لكن حذاريانيقوم الرجيم نفسه من حرمان الجسم من جميع احتياجاته الأساسيةفعلا فبمقدورك ان تحقق نتائج مذهلة فى انقاص وزنك باستخدام رجيمالماءو لكنك اذا بالغت ستفقد صحتك و قدرتك على العمل لذا لابد مناتباعالعادات الصحية عند اتباع اى نظام رجيم سواء كان رجيم الماءأوغيرهIf you are sufferingfromthe problem of excess weight as a result of food habitourcommunities and searched for a solution to lose weight it islikelythat you have heard of diet water, this diet is universallyknownand very active and fitter lasts only 7 days and the beginningofits results, starting from the third day 3 ...Features of the application:- the desired results- Some instructions- Weight Calculator know which do you have a plus- A detailed explanation of diet water with full wayThe application included recipes natural diet is to eat ahealthydiet water Loyalty program knownThe application also contains recipes for quick slimming andweightloss from the first weekThe application and the first of its kind rating:Diet Weight LossRajemat ease fat weightDiet tough but fastDiet WaterMany of us need to follow a diet to lose several kilograms weightina short period in order to attend an event joy or holidaybirthday.. etc, if you are waiting for one occasion and would liketo loseweight, you can rely on the water accursed which Cisaadkkmuch toget what you wantThe application contains many details about the diet of waterandabout the importance of water in our daily lives as theapplicationalso contains the reasons for the failure of theaccursed people'sbeliefs and certain misconceptions aboutdietingFamous water diet a lot lately speaks a lot about effectiveresultsin weight loss with amazing speed and the loss of a greatdeal ofkilosAs the possibility of loss of 5 kg weight in 5 days or in aweek,but beware that the accursed himself of the body deprived ofalltheir basic needsActually you're able to achieve amazing results in reducingweightby using diet of water, but you will lose your healthifexaggerated, and your ability to work, so must followhealthyhabits when you follow any diet regime, whether diet orotherwater